July 1, 2007

About Henok

Henok Kechene

Est. DOB: Jan 2, 1996
Est. Age: 11

Orphanage: Kechene Children’s Home

Henok Kechene arrived at the orphanage on July 2, 1997. His age at that time was estimated to be 18 months. From that information, Gladney has set his birthday, for documentation purposes, on January 2, 1996. With that date, his current age is 11 years old.

Henok’s birth mother passed away when he was only 18 months old, and nothing is known about his birth father. He has no known siblings.

Henok has a basic knowledge of English.
Henok (pronounced Heh-knock) is a biblical name which translates to Enoch in English.
Henok is friendly, affectionate, and outgoing. He is in 4th grade and his favorite subject is science. He would like to be a scientist when he grows up. He enjoys reading in his free time. He also loves playing with babies and is also very good with his hands. He can often be found repairing or making new creations out of broken toys and electronics.

He gets along well with the other kids at the orphanage. He is a very eager student, but is sometimes so eager to answer questions in class that he forgets to listen to instructions. His desire for the special love of a family is strongly evident.

More to come as we learn more of our boy... ;)

1 comment:

Hellen said...

He sounds so very interesting! I hope you 3 are already having a great time learning about each other! We'll keep in mind that Henok likes playing with babies. We have a couple of those that he might enjoy! :-)